FNa PET-Scan



It is not necessary to fast for this test.

There is no special preparation for this exam, but you should consult the instructions on your invitation.

You can take your usual medication.

No premedication, unless lying down is painful for you, as you will need to lie still for around 15 minutes.

Be sure to inform the team if you are at risk of pregnancy or if you are breast-feeding.

When administration during breast-feeding is essential, milk can be pumped before injection and stored for later use. Breastfeeding must be suspended for at least 24 hours, and milk produced during this period must be pumped and discarded.

If you are naturally anxious, the nuclear medicine manipulator will be able to reassure you by suggesting relaxation methods. They are trained in a variety of methods, and our PET rest boxes are equipped with a personalized musical relaxation application.